- Overview
- Savings and solutions
- Our methods
- Applications
- Rolls and shafts
- Liners, machine ways, and rails
- Gears and sprockets
- Cable/rope drums
- Wheels and sheaves
- Cams


Liners, Machine Ways, and Rails

Flame hardening is the best and quite often the only process for hardening large or unusual shaped liners, ways, and rails.

Flame hardened rail and way sections
Flame hardening of liners, machine ways, and rail sections provides a uniform hardness, case depth, and a ductile core.


Gears and Sprockets

Gears and gear racks benefit the most from quality flame hardening. Replacement of worn gears can be expensive, time consuming, and difficult. We can harden gears of any size.

Flame hardened gear section
Cast or fabricated gears of any size can be flame hardened, treating only the contact surfaces of the teeth so that the base metal is left at its original strength.

Sprockets of any size illustrate the use of flame hardening.


Cable/Rope Drums

Cable drums -- either cast or fabricated are ideal flame hardening applications. Our proven method of flame hardening drums minimizes or eliminates distortion. Our process allows us to selectively harden only the groove area.

Chicago Flame Hardening
5200 Railroad Ave.
East Chicago, IN 46312
Phone : 219-397-6475
Fax : 219-397-4029

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Site is © Chicago Flame Hardening 2001.
Designed by Tom Farnsworth
