
Quality Control

Chicago Flame's quality and service has been enhanced by our quality assurance commitment to our clients. This commitment is governed by the established Quality Assurance Programs, Management Systems, and our Quality Manual in effect at our facility.

Chicago Flame has the following Quality Policy in effect :

The ultimate judge of quality is not a lab technician or the testing equipment, but the customer. Chicago Flame defines Quality as meeting or exceeding the Clients requirements. Instruments merely measure the specifications assigned to a product. Those specifications must be properly grounded on a through awareness of our customer's needs. If quality means delivery performance, then we must understand what performance means to our customers. Total involvement is required from all areas and levels. Everyone must think and act Quality.

We must be realistic and responsive to the real world demands of production environments. Everyone must consider the consequences of accepting sub par work, materials or services from anyone internal or outside of Chicago Flame Hardening.

Properly planned products and processes will anticipate quality concerns before they become quality problems. In product and process planning, the focus must be on prevention rather than inspection.

We want to improve our ability to do it right the first time. Chicago Flame must concentrate on prevention. This philosophy must apply to everything we do.

Every employee must become actively involved and adopt this approach as a way of life. Total commitment is required of everyone.

In some cases, improvement will require breakthroughs-the discovery of new ways to elevate the level of our quality performance. Each of us must accept this as a personal challenge.

Quality will not cost money, it will save money. Improving the quality of our products and operations is the most direct path to productivity.

Quality is everyone's responsibility and will be controlled at all stages of our process. The quality program will require a continuing long term commitment. We must have the resolve and the talent to succeed. Each of us must contribute the attitudes and actions required for Chicago Flame Hardening to enhance its reputation for quality.

Each of us must accept the challenge to: reassess the potential for improving quality in our products, processes and operations to find breakthroughs, the dramatically better way to do the job, and to sharpen our performance in order to attain and maintain a competitive edge our reputation for quality.

Chicago Flame Hardening
5200 Railroad Ave.
East Chicago, IN 46312
Phone : 219-397-6475
Fax : 219-397-4029

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Site is © Chicago Flame Hardening 2001.
Designed by Tom Farnsworth
